
Stack Manipulation

in this post, I’ll try to explain little about supervision call function on the arm architecture Armv6m. where is SVCall function used? the supervision call function usually used in operating system where an unpriviliged process tries to call system function to perform some task. you may relate it to Syscalls in linux where a proccess …

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liquid simulation cup was a project for fab academy. a course which i took in 2019. the idea is to simulate the liquid tilting with the cup using 6 degree of freedom sensor (MPU6050). the cup had had snap fit feature with the cup charging dock which really didnt work well. i didnt like the …

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3D surface machine

3D Surface shaper 3d shaper machine was built in collaboration with archetype foundry for prototyping purpose. the surface shape of the machine is controlled to match a computer 3D file (.stp) this prototype was built with 4×4 grid linear actuators. each axis controlled by Arduino using a PID controller to control DC motor with an …

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